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Incorporating the Master Plan into the York Comprehensive Plan

The following Article Passed November 3, 2015

Article 8
York General Referendum Warrant

This amendment adopts the York Village Master Plan by reference and recommendation within the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. Note: No funds are being appropriated with this vote. Detailed design and development is underway now in the Schematic Design Phase.

ARTICLE EIGHT TEXT: The Town hereby ordains amendments to the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate into the plan The York Village Master Plan dated April, 2015, specifically amending: Volume 1: Policies, Capital Investment Plan, Regional Coordination Program and Implementation Program.

STATEMENT OF FACT: Passage of this amendment would incorporate by reference The York Village Master Plan. The Village Master Plan contains detailed visuals, diagrams, substantive information and plan recommendations for the York Village Center Area regarding Streetscapes, Pedestrians and Bicycles; Roadways & Traffic; Curbside and Off-Street Parking; Utility Infrastructure; Trails and Open Space; Village and Architectural Character; Economic Development; Conceptual Budget & Funding; and details a Community Participation and Outreach Process that enabled development of the Master Plan. This amendment would adopt the York Village Master Plan as a reference and recommendation within Section 3 of Volume 1 of the Comprehensive Plan, specifically, Future Land Use Area #8-York Village Center Area.

What Does a Yes Vote Mean? The Comprehensive Plan establishes policy directives and overarching goals, which provide guidance to town officials, administrators, boards, and committees as they consider ways to manage growth and implement programs in town. By approving Article 8, voters agree that the concepts for Village improvements laid out in the York Village Master Plan are goals worthy of review and advancement. The voters are not being asked to appropriate funding at this time, but are deciding whether to include the Village Master Plan within the broader Compre­hensive Plan. A “Yes” vote on 8 will indicate that this is the direction residents of York want the town to take with regard to improvements and revitalization of York Village.

York Planning Board Endorsed this Article 5-0. Voters Passed this Article: 1751-978

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